One Haiku


Earth Keepers

sacred gardening

Earth Keepers is an outdoor garden course designed to help us remember our fundamental connection with all living things. We combine Kanyini, Eden, Hopi Rainbow Prophecy, Plant Alchemy, Sacred Gardening and other spiritual teachings into one class. We spend nearly the entire time outdoors in the garden or at nearby natural areas. You will get dirty!

Teacher/Guide: Willow

Ages 6-14

This course is designed for youth ages 6 to 14. We have different classes for varying age groups. 

Youth older than 14 may join if they feel they would enjoy the class. Siblings may join classes with older/younger siblings as long as there are no distractions with class flow.

Youth younger than 6 must be pre-approved before joining (contact us).

  • Lots of outdoor time
  • Lots of barefeet time outside
  • Gardening on site
  • Forest walks (older youth only)
  • Nature Journaling (Journal Included and stays in class until course completion)
  • Group Meditation
  • Creative projects (sometimes to take home)
  • Guided support from a seer
  • Garden gloves to borrow while in class.

Location: in the Garden & Rainbow Room at the Hen House. 

Duration: 2-4 hours (depending on age group)


  • Max class size is 12 youth.
  • Be prepared for long durations outside in various PNW weather. 
  • No shoes inside. Please wear cozy socks or change into indoor slippers or be prepared to have bare feet when you come inside.
  • Some meditation sessions will be set in a semi dark to fully blacked-out room.
  • Some classes will have music and/or guided meditation soundtracks playing during part of the class.
  • A full water bottle to drink
  • A hearty snack or lunch (depending on class time)
  • Rainboots (or simular) for garden/farm style activities outdoors.
  • proper clothing for the weather. IE: raincoat, sweater, extra socks, etc. 
  • Sunscreen (if you desire). Youth must apply their own sunscreen.
  • You may bring your own small cushion to sit on for outdoor garden work and a separate one for indoor meditation if you desire.

Please, do NOT bring:

  • A smart device, phone, tablet etc.
  • Unapproved Animal.

Full Closure Notice:

This notice is a good faith effort to provide clarity and transparency regarding our Youth Earth Keepers Course. Please read through this Notice for full closure.

written CONTRACT required:

Our Youth Earth Keepers Course requires a contact to be signed by at least one guardian of the minor who is registered in the club. This contract is made available during the registration process and will include such topics as liability, consent, notice, payment, fees, commitment, rights, responsiblities. 

physical & environmental preparation:

Physical requirements:
  • This class is active and outdoors. Youth need to be able to be active outside for hours at a time. 
  • Youth will get dirty! We have chickens, a dog, a bunny and a snake so there will be natural droppings and dander throughout the garden, yard and home. Please be prepared to continuously wash your hands and shoes off. 
  • Youth will get hungry! A snack/lunch break will be held mid way through class and youth need to bring their own snack and water each day. We will not bring food into the Rainbow Room. Fully sealable water bottles are allowed in the Rainbow Room.
Dark room:
  • Meditation sessions may be in a semi-dark to a fully blacked-out room and youth should be comfortable in the complete dark.
  • If you have a sensitivity or allergy to smells, please know that we do burn incense and/or scented candles on a daily basis inside.
  • We have several animals on premise (chickens, dog, snake, rabbit). The animals are not a part of the class flow, but we may encounter them from time to time. Please let us know if you have an allergy and we will try to accommodate, but cannot guarantee a full removal of the animal or its dander.

Special needs:

All people who respect and hold One Haiku Values and do no harm are welcome here.

At this time, we are unable to accommodate for dropped-off youth who may require special needs care, unique care, or whom have behavioral oppositions in such a manner which requires special attention. These include, but not limited to: A.D.D, A.D.H.D, Autism, bi-polar, Blindness, Deaf, defiance or behavioral oppositions, Down Syndrome or debilitating depression. We are simply untrained to perform supervision and we hope to be able to provide on-site supervision in the future.

A special needs youth may be able to join a class with prior acknowledgment from the teacher/guide. Please contact us for further direction. If approved, we will require written contract that you provide a fully present, fully trained, on-site supervising adult to be with your youth and to be responsible for your youth at all times.

Etiquette & Responsibility:

This course takes place in a private home. Please be respectful.

All people who enter into the home are expected to be, and agree to be, respectful of plants, animals, earth, property and people; including their emotions and energies. Anyone causing harm (disrespect, damage, trespass, etc.) to another will be directed to leave.

Adults are responsible for their offspring and dependents at all times. If an adult has signed a waiver and dropped-off their youth, the adult must be available for immediate pick-up should their youth cause harm to another.

In the event where a dropped-off youth is incapable or unwilling to follow the rules of no-harm, they will be instructed to sit alone and wait for their adult to arrive to pick them up. Should the youth continue to harm another, they will be prohibited from joining us again.

parents and siblings:


Parents may choose to drop-off their youth with a signed waiver, or quietly join us during class (the Rainbow Room has very limited space), or relax in the living room.

  • Non-registered siblings must be monitored by their parent/guardian at all times.
  • Non-registered siblings are not allowed to join us for class as this would be the same as them being in the class and would not be fair to the other students and teachers. 
  • Non-registered siblings may join their parents in the living room area during class.
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