One Haiku

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Welcome to the Community.

The One Haiku community welcomes all people who are on a journey for Divine Truth. We find that one comes to know Truth at their own pace, in their own way. So, when we connect with our highest human spirit, we can open the doorway for each one of us to authentically find Truth. As a people, we strive for Truth, Earthly harmony, unity in community, self-mastery, sovereignty and wisdom.

Read our community values

how we operate:

As a Temple:

We operate purely as an unincorporated, non-statutory spiritual temple, reserving all rights for freedom of religion, speech, press and contract. 

We do not operate for profit.

Services, products, events etc. that are displayed on this website may be offered, processed, managed, facilitated, or stewarded by One-Haiku-approved individuals, contractors, vendors, members, stewards, agents or assigns, third-parties, etc. It is your responsibility to read the description of the service or product before engaging.

On an individual level:

We hold that every (wo)man is responsible for their own actions and the actions of their offspring and minors; self-governing themselves accordingly within the One Haiku community.


our Temple.

our sacred space:

We see nature as our sanctuary and we see our bodies as our temple. Therefore, we hold that one is “in temple” at all time.

where we meet:

We meet in nature, in private homes and in public places in the Pacific Northwest on the land of Washington-state, north of Mount Tahoma. 

our services.

what we offer:

We offer real-life and online interactions for adults, youth and families who enjoy nature-based, heart-centered communities and who are looking to expand their spiritual self-awareness. 

our core values.

As we grow and change over time, we find that our understanding of the natural world evolves with greater understanding. Within these realizations we find the following to be both foundational principles and core values for a community which seeks to know Truth and live in harmony with all.


Seek Balance.

We live in a world of polarities (perceived as opposites). To seek balance is to see these polarities on a single plane; as a variation of one thing and thus removing perceived conflict and separation.

"Being and non-being create each other. Difficult and easy support each other. Long and short define each other. High and low depend on each other."


Respect Nature.

When we look at nature we find many wonders that teach us about ourselves and we find answers to questions we didn’t think to ask. We honor Earth with all her cycles, her lifeforms and her state of being.

"This world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence … a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related."


Honor Life & Death.

On this plane, wherever there is life, there is also death. Life and death are two values on the spectrum of Being. And so, we find them to be an expression of the same thing.

We value Existence as a great teacher and we seek to respect and master the art of Being.

"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another."


Full (Dis)closure.

We interact with people every day. Our interactions with others create invisible contracts that are made by our intentions and actions. These contracts are often unknown to us but affect us greatly. We value honest interactions with people and strive for full (dis)closure of all written and unwritten contracts.


Good Faith, Clean Hands, Proper Notice.

We value honorable actions done with a good-faith effort and we value genuine actions performed with clean hands. Proper notice of intention and action is one of the major ways one can interact with others in honor.


Know Truth.

We are Truth seekers who see Truth as the path to higher consciousness, an expanded heart, and greater connection with others. Truth brings sovereignty and strength on an individual and communal level.


Create & Express.

The fundamental and spiritual-root characteristic of Man is to create. It is a freedom within our natural state that can never be taken. 

"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time."


Love & Nurture.

Love is also a fundamental and spiritually rooted characteristic of Man that can never be taken. To love is to use one’s own will to actively care for another’s well being.


Preserve & Protect the Self.

Self care, self preservation, self love, self defense. We all have the right to preserve and protect our body, mind, emotion and spirit.